
Participants of the World Congress of Latvian Scientists visit the ISSP UL

On June 27, as part of the 5th World Congress of Latvian Scientists, the ISSP UL welcomed guests and encouraged them to take a closer look at the everyday life of the institute.

The participants of the visit were introduced to the institute by its director, Dr. phys. Andris Anspoks. The guests also had the opportunity to visit several laboratories - the Microscopy Laboratory, the Micro and Nano Devices Laboratory, the Spectroscopy Laboratory and the Laboratory of Materials for Energy Harvesting and Storage.

Among the visitors were both scientists and industry representatives and other interested parties.

The ISSP UL was one of the scientific institutions offering the congress participants, entrepreneurs, diaspora representatives and potential cooperation partners to get to know how science is made in Latvia. The purpose of such activity was to introduce the public to various branches of science, innovative methods and technologies, which, thanks to science, are available not only to industry but to everyone.