
Presentation of research results at the 15th International Meeting on Ferroelectricity

The leading ISSP UL’s Laboratory of Ferroelectric Materials researcher Dr.habil.phys. Andris Šternbergs attended the 15th International Meeting on Ferroelectricity (IMF) held on March 26-30, 2023, at the Dan Panorama Hotel, Tel Aviv, Israel. The IMF2023 brought together researchers to present their work and to get tuned to their peers’ latest achievements.

Andris Šternbergs presented the results of his research on “Nonstoichiometry in Na0,5Bi0,5TiO3– based compositions” on Wednesday, 29th of March. The main conclusions of the study were that: 1) evaporation of Bi from the inner part of bulk NBT ceramics at high temperatures is insignificant, unlike the surface, where it leads to the appearance of TiO2 inclusions; 2) appearance of inclusions can change the concentration of chemical elements in the ceramic matrix grains. The paper’s results are prepared to be one of the main topics of the next ERA Chair project submission in 2024.

Andris Šternbergs was particularly interested in some of the speakers at the conference with whom he had discussions. An extended talk took place with Avner Rothschild, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology (Israel), after his keynote lecture “Decoupled water splitting for green hydrogen production: From breakthrough research to developing new technology” on the development of commercial technologies of green hydrogen harvesting.

Comprehensive information presented online by Patrycja Paruch from the Department of Quantum Matter Physics, University of Geneva (Switzerland) on “Ferroelectricity at the nanoscale: Complex polarisation textures and emergent functionalities” provided information about possible new 2D ferroelectric materials application.

Andris Šternbergs discussed with Prof.  Juras Banys’s team from the Faculty of Physics, Vilnius University (Lithuania) research “Multifunctional hybrid organic-inorganic materials”.

ISSP UL’s researcher also discussed with Prof. Alexei Gruverman from the University of Nebraska-Linkoln (USA) on supplying PLZT ceramic samples for studying the AFE phase in these compositions.

The International Meeting on Ferroelectricity (IMF) is the longest-running home for the ferroelectricity research community. The IMF covers the broad field of ferroelectricity from basics and theory through material behavior and processing to applications. The first IMF meeting took place in 1966.