
Scientists’ Breakfast with ISSP UL’s spin-off companies

On November 24, the Scientists’ Breakfast, a traditional monthly event organized by the Materize Innovation team, took place at the ISSP UL. The event gathers researchers over a cup of coffee to discuss interesting topics or listen to exciting presentations from colleagues or scientists in different scientific fields. 

This time the staff of the institute could meet two Institute’s two spin-off companies, Cellbox Labs and Crystalinx , whose representatives talked about their experience in turning a scientific idea into a company. Cellbox Labs were created by researchers from ISSP UL’s Laboratory of Micro and Nanodevices Dr. sc. Ing Gatis Mozoļevskis, Dr. sc. ing. Roberts Rimša and Dr. Artūrs Ābols, who is the head of the extracellular vesicles and microfluidics research group at the Latvian Biomedical Research and Study Center. Crystalinx was founded by the researchers of ISSP UL’s Thin Films Laboratory Dr. phys. Boris Polyakov and specialist ISSP UL’s Department of Development Timurs Safiuļins.

At the event, participants also talked about the opportunities to develop innovations at the Institute and discussed work with patents and with our spin-off companies.

Cellbox Labs – develops PDMS-free gut on chip suitable for anaerobic conditions necessary for microbiota cultivation controlled by integrated biosensors and a user-friendly cultivation system, low molecule absorption suitable for drug testing and compatible with mass manufacturing methods.

Crystalinx is focused on developing market-ready deeptech applications based on semiconductor nanocrystals. Our company is providing research activities for both nanocrystal counterparts and bulk ABX3 materials, thus finding the right path towards industrial tailor-made solutions.