
Latvian Academy of Sciences names the receivers of Young Scientists’ and Name Awards

Evey year, the Latvian Academy of Sciences awards not only best Latvian scientific achievements, but also recognizes the best Latvian scientists by presenting Name Awards and Young Scientists’ Awards. In January 2022, three researchers from the ISSP UL were honored by such awards.

Manager of the CAMART2 communication and dissemination work package and the head of the ISSP UL’s Communication and Information group Dr.phys. Līga Grīnberga received the Arturs Balklavs Prize for the Promotion of Science nationally and internationally.

The Ludvigs and Māris Jansons Prize in Physics was awarded to the leading researcher and the head of the Laboratory of Optical Materials Dr.phys. Aleksejs Zolotarjovs for his doctoral thesis “Optical properties of plasma electrolytic oxidation coatings on aluminium alloy surface” (scientific supervisor Dr. phys. Krišjānis Šmits).

The Young Scientist Award was given to the leading researcher from the Laboratory of Organic Materials Dr. phys. Arturs Bundulis for his doctoral thesis “Inquiry of The Kerr Effect Origins in Organic Materials: Experimental Assessment By Z-Scan Method” (scientific advisor Dr. phys. Mārtiņš Rutkis).


Full list of the awards’ winners available here.