
The ISSP UL receives the Cabinet of Ministers Certificate of Acknowledgement

On May 2, the Cabinet of Ministers of Latvia issued Cabinet Order No. 254 about awarding Certificates of Acknowledgement to various educational and scientific institutions and private persons for their professional achievements significant to Latvia.

The Institute of Solid State Physics was awarded the certificate for contribution to the development of the material science industry and the national economy. The certificate to the ISSP UL was presented by the Minister of Economics, Ilze Indriksone, who visited the ISSP UL in August 2022. Then, during the meeting with the institute’s representatives, she said that ISSP UL plays a vital role in supporting the development of high-tech companies in Latvia. She was pleased with the high-tech start-ups created thanks to the innovations developed at the institute. The Minister also expressed her pleasure that the Latvian innovations are used worldwide in the most diverse fields - from energy, space, and defense to medicine and culture.

During the visit, the Ministry representatives emphasized that the institute’s accomplishments were highly appreciated: the creation of closer academic, scientific, and industrial cooperation in materials science through the technology transfer unit Materize and the promotion of high-tech industry development in Latvia.

The Cabinet Order in Latvian